Wednesday, January 13, 2021

9 Jan 21 - The Grandest OP78 Reunion - Part 3

 By Shah Redza G 

09.01.2021 Dress code: Planters Order. Time: 0830hrs. Venue: Maktab Tentera DiRaja/Royal Military College, Kem Sg. Besi. Kuala Lumpur.

One of the proudest, nostalgic and memorable event for my Royal Military College Intake 1978 was held yesterday. It is to place our Intake '78 commemorative plaque in our alumni corner in our Alma Mater the Royal Military Collage (RMC). It was also to revisit with deep nostalgia the place where we were taught, trained and grew up during the formative years of our life. It was a hard place and none can understand except those who has walked in the doors and experienced it first hand. It is a place where we were bonded by brotherhood of pain, as some would put it, mentally and physically but all to bring out the best in us and to mould resilience, initiative and responsibility in each and every one of us. If you don't cut it, the doors open to quit and leave. To make men out of boys and develop future leaders as our archways into the college bears testimony.

Prouder still is that my Intake '78 has produced some of the most outstanding individuals that served the nation directly as servicemen. No other intake or batch no only in RMC but I'm very certain in the whole country can claim to have 3 serving Chiefs in the Arm Forces coming from their years batch. From RMC Intake '78 we have the Chief of Defence Forces Malaysia OP Gen. Tan Sri Affendi Buang the No.1 man in the Malaysian Armed Forces, OP Gen. Tan Sri Zamrose the Chief of Army Malaysia and OP Gen. Tan Sri Ackbal Chief of Airforce Malaysia. We also have Vice Admiral OP Dato' Aris Adi Tan who is the Commander of the National Task Force. All four are current serving serviceman from my Intake'78. They've made the Intake outstandingly proud!

It's been 42 years since we entered RMC at the age of 16 yrs old but the bond is strong everytime we meet thus our slogan "Beyond Brotherhood". Once a Putera always a Putera be it an OP (Old Putera).
Brovo and Syabas OP Intake 1978, also a heartfelt thank you to the events organizing committee for undertaking an excellent job organizing. To my batchmate brothers ada rezeki dan umur panjang, inshaaAllah kita berjumpa lagi, Salam & take care!

More post from other Blogger, click pic below. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

9 Jan 21 - The Grandest OP78 Reunion - Part 2

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PTD - OP Zamrose C, PAT - OP Affendi F dan
PTU OP Ackbal F
This is me back in 03 Jun 81

MC by OP Sutimin C

Pemasangan Plaka OP78 di Alumni Park MTD
oleh OP Affendi F, OP Zamrose C,
OP Ackbal F dan OP Aris Adi Tan H

Perasmian Monumen
Skyhawk A4 PTM (Peculiar To Msia)
oleh 'Apai' dan 'Kruger'

Perasmian Monumen Sibmas oleh
430215 OP Zamrose

Takafur sejenak mengenangkan kehilangan
23 rakan-rakan OP78 yang telah meninggal.

OP Amirudin E as the first
OP78 Plaque's purchaser.

OP Cheng E - high comradeship spirit
back in Down-Under.

More pic......

Click to visit RMC MTD
 post in facebook.

  • Tahniah dan jutaan terima kasih kepada kesemua AJK atas kejayaan acara yg sangat bersejarah ini. Special thanks to the Commandant of RMC and his staff for their kind hospitality and hard work for this event. Kepada semua OP78 yang hadir, korang memang best. Yang tak dapat hadir, see you in the next event, InsyaAllah. Beyond Brotherhood.🤝💪💪💪
  • Thank you Dato Commandant, Staff & current Puteras of RMC for an outstanding job organizing yesterday’s OP79 event. Everything went like clockwork with military precision. RMC is in good hands ... tahniah! 👏👏👍
Setinggi2 tahniah dan syabas kpd Komandan Maktab Tentera Diraja, pegawai2, setaf dan Putera2 MTD yg sama2 membantu menjayakan majlis Reunion OP78 ini yg akan menjadi kenangan manis di sanubari kami, dan mengimbas kembali kenangan semasa kami sebagai Putera MTD 1978-1980... SYABAS.

9 Jan 21 - The Grandest OP78 Reunion - Part 1

Click pic to view videos by fellow OP78




Friday, January 01, 2021

Persaraan BG Dr Janudin Awang E Coy

OP Tan Sri Zambrose had just honoured me with a grand farewell parade at Wardieburn Camp.


OP78 Plaque Commitee

With the CO

At Markas Logistik


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