Friday, July 31, 2015

Hari Pahlawan -

Great Historian

The truth to the fact is that I was never learned in history as a discipline. The interest in history especially military history is derived through readings. The documentary is the second with 12 episodes of two. Garis Waktu 1 which ran for 13 episodes is about the Japanese invasion of Malaya

As for Garis Waktu 1 which was screened 2 yrs ago, I have the complete series in record. Call me if you are keen on that
YouTube has montages of GW1 too. Short clips
........Kam F

Berkat star-light, now star-bright

Semua bergojet..
x lama akan berbintang... Jalal C

Kamarudin A, Soo E, Razip D, Ow C.

Raya Do Wisma Perwira ATM.

Soo still pegang record ...
.....the tallest of OP78.

Saluddin Business Adventure - Turkey

 Saluddin D, the Turkish trader. 

Semuonya ado bro Amir....  

Jangan trading orang sudah....

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Kek Lapis Specialist

 Homebake Kek Lapis Serawak.

Sample, 6 jenis kek lapis otai tradisional Serawak:

*Hati Pari
*Pilih Kasih
*Mata Kuching
*Lapis India
*Lapis Tembikai
*Batik Kenyalang

 To Order
Call Ibrahim C 019 226 7673

Rahim E, Andek G and Ismet E and many others.

Open House 2015

Andek G & Rosli D kebetulan bertemu di rumah terbuka rakan mereka Dr Rusli.

First time jumpa Nik Norhisham B semenjak dia dan Ibrahim merantau ke Australia dari RMC dulu.

Rumah terbuka Ibrahim C.

Dato' Nabil Abd Kadir OP79 A Coy (, Ramli A, Nik Norhashim B, Azhar E dan tuan rumah.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Selamat Ketemu Semula Anuar H

Welcome on board Anuar Muhammad H Coy.
(Refer post 02 Jun 15 below.
Dalam list H Coy Photo, nama tak nampak pulak
Gambar yang mana?). 


 Sandakan Sabah

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Kad Raya


Koleksi Kad Kad Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya 2015.

Gigi palsu SUO Romlee tercabut masa rehersal - Jamal G 


Wow... Sejak kita form 4 sampai kini, sampai beberapa OP78 pun dah angkat tangan surrender dan fulltime BERSARA... tapi masih ada juga yang still going strong dan langsung no intend nak BERSARA... habis la chance OP78 'To Serve To Lead'... maintain as server aje la...

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Towkay Burger

First Build Custom Burger outside US
OP78 proud co-owner 
Fadhil Choong E

How come 80% big size & chubby?

Blog Archive - See more pic

