Jack Pallance
Major Md Hashim b Hussein took up his appointment as the new OC Boys' Wing on the lst January 1978.
He was born in 1947 in Johore Bahru and had much of his primary education there. Later he was given a place in the Malay College Kuala Kangsar to continue his secondary education. He was there from 1960 to 1962, after which he was selected to join the elite Boys' Wing.
During his education in the Boys' Wing he was active in both academic and sporting fields. As an active sportsman he participated in a variety of games including football, sepak takraw, athletics and excelled in boxing, of which he was elected as the company captain because of his prowess in the ring.
After the successful completion of his Cambridge School Certificate he joined the Cadet Wing. On being commissioned as a Second Lieutenant, he was posted to the 9 Royal Malay in Johore Bahru. He was there for twenty three months after which he was posted to the Headquarters Land Forces East Malaysia (HQLFEM) over in Kuching, Sarawak. His appointment there was as a Staff Officer Grade Three.
After holding various appointments including a two year tour as an instructor in the RMC, he left in 1975 to attend the Infantry Officer Advance Course at Fort Banning, Georgia, USA. Upon his return he took up the post of Second in command of the 18 Royal Malay being responsible for the formation of the battalion. Later he was posted to the HO 9 Malaysian Infantry Brigade as Brigade Major, a post he held until January 1978 when he came back to his alma mater as the OC Boys Wing.
When asked why he chose the Army as a career, he felt it was the challenging life the army offers and his love for the outdoor life. He goes on to say that it is a noble profession as it expects every soldier to give his best towards the profession. Moreover he said that during his time, trouble was brewing in Vietnam and together with the increasing intensity of the confrontation spurred him on to join the Army.
When asked about his impression of Boys' Wing at present, he said there was a general improvement in the facilities offered. There are also more qualified teachers at present.
On the other hand he had noticed that the discipline and turnout of the Puteras had deteriorated. He immediately launched a rejuvenating programme in Boys' Wing, where upon discipline was considerably tightened and the general turnout was closely watched. The results were obvious, - the entire Boys' Wing turned over a new leaf within days. This made the administration in Boys' Wing much smoother and reverted the level of discipline prevalent in his days. In addition, he feels that he has many more commitments and would like to do much more for the Boys' Wing.
Touching on ragging, his view is to condone the orientation which is meant to help the new Puteras adjust themselves to the trend of life in the College in the shortest possible time. With ragging the Puteras tend to get out of hand unlike during his time when ragging was ‘clean’.
Major Hashim is married with 3 children. He is willing to serve in the Army as long as his service is required. During his leisure time, he among other things does a lot of reading especially on the autobiographies of war leaders, assembling model kits and also horse riding.
Finally with air of pride so typical of an ex-putera he added that the RMC has done so much for all Puteras. Elaborating on this he said Puteras are firstly subjected to leadership training and character building, secondly towards community living, thirdly very excellent facilities are provided here, fourthly they are trained to be independent and self-reliant last but not least to be resourceful and full of ingenuity. Such qualities said Major Hashim are so much lacking in today’s youth although they are so indispensible to the future leaders in their efforts to build up a successful nation.
Lastly, on behalf of the Puteras, we would like to thank the OC for all that he has done for us. He is indeed seen us through thick and thin, he thinks like we do, feels like we do, he laughs with us but above all he has brought us up, cared so much for us. All the officers have earned our highest respect, but as far as the OC is concerned he is unique for he is not only respected by the Puteras but also the Puteras have loved him, and still do, as the “Adopted Father of Boys’ Wing”.
Inteview and report by,
Au Chai Onn
Krishna Kumar
Basil Devandran
Extract from The Bugler 1978.
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