Terima kasih OP Jaudin atas ingatan dan ucapan saudara. HUT OP Jaudin tak lama lagi juga sebab kita kan dulu geng underage TJP37. Justeru itu, saya juga ingin ucapkan Selamat HUT semoga hidup OP Jaudin sekeluarga di berkati Allah.
OP Amirudin Sir. Thank you for your kind thoughts and warm wishes. Attaining this age is a struggle but along the way, Allah provides one with true companionship which I found in you and OP78. No one could be more blessed. Thank you for your congratulatory wishes on my promotion though I have not officially put on the rank. I have Allah and everyone in BPP to thank for this 'birthday present'
Thank you OP Mazyallan Sir. Hope all is well in your financial world though it's not for me. Your wishes is worth 230% annual dividend
Thank you Peter Chong. No one could be a more appropriate source of inspiration than you for your success and enshrining till this day the camaraderie which we established more than 39 years ago
Terima kasih OP Jamal atas ingatan serta ucapan HUT. Once a Budak Boy, Always a Budak Boy
Thank you OP Zul for your kind thoughts and warm wishes. Allah has blessed me with far too many bounties than I could ever expect but most prominent would be the fellowship established with OP78 who have been with me through thick or think.
Thank you OP Dr Safuan. You sprinted and left all of us behind you in 1978/1979. Today you continue to leave us still farther behind by you outstanding achievements
Terima kasih OP Ramlee atas ingatan Tuan. I guess Sapura is very quiet nowadays without you
TQ OP Jalal. Rindu sebab lama tak berdebat on doctrine with you. Record still stands that u r the first RMN officer to tegur TD on Peacekeeping Ops
OP Azha, thank you for your kind wishes. It's heartening (and painful) to bump into you and observe the impact of prosperity and happiness upon you. You deserve every ounce of it for you made many happy esp in 78/79. Regards to your family and Dato Yahya never left my mind
OP Ow Sir. Though we don't bump 2 each other often enuf, you never failed to inspire me by your humility and success Sir. Tq Sir
OP Dato Nazeri Sir. Thank you for your kind wishes. I will miss our encounters at 5 Floor
OP Redza thank you and congrats on your outstanding conservative work Sir. Being a life member of MNS, I am a disgrace for I consume all those endangered species
OP Diode, our paths have crossed many times in various capacities but all are memorable and noteworthy. Though I have the deepest respect for you, can't help perpetuating Yong Soo Kang's designation of you as Diode. Small as u r like a Diode, the mighty 230 V would get disconnected by a small Diode. Imagine the fate of the Army's firepower depended on two Capts evaluating autonomously the M203 40mm grenade. Great memories
Zoltan, what would Kam be without the support of the Devil Hound. From Chief Ragger to Ragged Chief, that is Zoltan
Salam Hj Ghaz. Terima kasih atas ucapan dan ingatan Tuan. Juga atas teguran Tuan demi menegakan kekuatan spiritual
OP Peter Chin Sir. I try to reply individually because each one of OP78 has their unique characteristic and each one placed a specific brick in my life which resulted in the Great Wall of my success
OP Ben Young. Tq for your wishes but why did you place the picture of Tom Cruise on the calendar?
Thank you OP Fadhil Chong for your wishes. You have transformed significantly yourself too from grinding kaya puffs to grinding Figures in MAF pay to grinding lean beef for magnificent burgers. Looking at those pics shows that it's been long way since those free burgers at the Rugby table to your masterpieces today. If only we had your burgers then, RMC could beat the All Blacks hands down
Kam. Naik pangkat ke? Tahniah... tunjuklah gmbr terbaru..
Wow...Can see OP Kam beaming or should I say grinning from ear to ear..and also at his eloquent best.
Kam..i must say this. Today you have made everyone who greeted you smile, just by reading your detailed anecdotes memories from years gone by. Sound memory you have..Mr Yeong would be baffled.
Anyway thanks OP Kam..eventhough you were among the last to join the comrades of 78..you are a diamond! Ever so thoughtful, humble and self deprecating.
Cheers OP Kam.. have a great day.
Congrats on your much delayed but deserved promotion too and all the best in Putarjaya...

Op78 Azman E: ..can't wait to read Kam's response to Anand

Sorry for the pause. I realised that during my late father's birthday before, the whole of Malacca state was on holiday. Today, I his son celebrates his birthday and they give me more work! Lesson is that greatness is not heredity, you must seek greatness whatever your family background may be.
Hence why I have to be humble until today for I have existed amongst the greats from OP78
Thank you OP Shahrin for your kind wishes. Others in OP78 may have led happy and successful lives but none could match you in terms of mileage. Keep it up Fakawi or where d Fakawi traveller
TQ OP Ramli for your kind thoughts. I have only fond thoughts of RMC despite being there for only 2 years. Two years in RMC is like 20 years in civi street and what made life interesting n bearable in those 2 years were frens like those in OP78, gastronomical experience from Mr Lim's canteen and absence of change parades except for the occasional few
OP Ruzaimi, thank you for the kind wishes. If only I could soar high in the sky and being paid so
Much for that and not being asked to leave the aircraft at 2000 ft above sea level. And those stewardesses! I learned about passion in RMC for the place teaches us to pursuit with unequal passion. No better example is the passion of tuanging (OP Diode can attest on that) or OP DS Apai's passion for Grub Parties
OP Andek, TQ for your warm wishes. We were at the tail end of OP 78 but whether it's the mouth end or the tail end, those two years were unforgettable
Salam OP Khalid. Thank you for the kind wishes. You supported my tail end loyally during scrum and for that, We win championships and my butt was protected. Semoga Tuan sekeluarga di berkati Allah
Salam OP Rosli. Tq 4 your kind wishes semoga Allah memberi rahmat dan hidayah ke atas Tuan
Kam congrates also on your promotion. Which deparment r u posted to.
Thank you OP Khairy for your warm wishes. No birthday would be complete without reminiscing on how lucky I am to be in such great group of ppl
Dato Zamrose, salam and thank you for your kind wishes. I have not officially put on the rank (insyallah on 13 Dec) and will be posted to Seksyen Kedaulatan, Keselamatan dan Perhubungan Strategik Sempadan di MKN sebagai Timb Pengarah. By the way, well done on your service in Mindanao. PAT n DPM spoke about you on their return from Davao
Congrates Kam that appointment seem suits u well. I am sure u will contribute alot to NSC.
Kam, how about posting a pic with your spanking new red godgets ?
OP Chong CS Sir. Thank you for your kind wishes from Down Under. I pray that you will continue to be blessed with glad tidings and bountiful prosperity wherever you are
Salam OP Rahim. TQ and semoga Allah terus memberkati saudara dan keluarga
Salam OP Tuan Anas. Sejak 1971 lagi kehadiran Tuan di dalam hidup saya tidak terputus. Ini merupakan rahmat Allah SWT kpd diri ini. TQ 4 yr wishes Tuan
OP Bahrul Razi Tuan. Hope that you are gaining more success using mycard than mytentera. Thank you for the kind wishes Sir.
OP Zainal, TQ atas ingatan dan ucapan Tuan. Semoga Tuan sekeluarga di rahmati dan di berkati Allah SWT
OP Mustapha, you have been my mate for far too many occasions 4/5 Delta mate, OP mate, Cadet skot and numerous other ventures. Thank you for your kind wishes and I will remember you fondly for I will join u soon as veteran mate
Ameen OP Othman. TQ kerana mewarnai hidup saya dengan nasihat dan tunjuk ajar yg penting
OP Tuan Nur Azam. Grub party invite KE. Real cake lah. TQ for the kind wishes and the free ride to diabetes Sir
Terima kasih atas ingatan Tuan OP Rusdin. Semoga Tuan sekeluarga terus diberkati Allah
OP Michron. I have not met you since I left RMC for SPK in 1980. Bila boleh kita tts? Thank you for the kind wishes
OP Francis thank you for the kind thoughts and the sincere friendship since our Foxtrot Days. Pls tell me how to reach you in Miri.
OP Ariff TQ for you unmeasurable assistance while I was here at the 5th Floor and your friendship since 1978. May Allah bless upon you good health, continued happiness and uninterrupted success.
OP Anathan Sir. In my pursuit of finding the quintessential statement while writing for OC Jack Palance and ZZ, I bumped into this poem by Tennyson

Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
This compendium of words describes best what we were, what we are and what we shall do. In our different unique ways, we moved earth and heaven once in pursuit of success and inevitably over time, we achieved a portion of our aspirations whether professionally or personally. Though still pursuing that elusive dream, age has crept into our lives as we do not have the strength of physical stress nor the luxury of time. That said, we advance out of sheer will and the strength of camaraderie. We discern the fogs of anxiety through our lasting friendship. We will not yield, we will not succumb, we will not retreat. We will serve to lead, now and until our calling.
OP Diode, howzat for a response

Op78 Azman E: ...Anytime better than Tennyson

Op78 Azman E:
π½even the mat salleh correcting yr paper will want to come to RMC!
But if he is smart he won't go to E Coy
The Lair of the English Speaking Change Paraders
TQ Francis. Diode boleh pass ke English 121 like this
OP Cheng CS and OP Safuan. AF Council has approved but I have not yet put the rank on. Waiting for PAT. Thanks for your great support and sincere friendship Sir(s)
Bro KAM, Let's celebrate at Nasi Ayam Hainan, Ampang?
OP Samad Sir I would love that as long as u r not putting somewhere on Pebble Beach or St Andrews or Monterey Sir. Thank you for your kind thoughts. You are now staying at Millennium Towers Sir?
Ha Ha Ha
Millennium Square Section 14 PJ
: Kam, still eagerly waiting for that pic
Pete I have not had the rank put on me yet though AF Council has approved. The ceremony graced by PAT (being his personal staff) is slated to be on 13/12. I am still running around with my Lt Col Rank

But for Pete sake, I'll do a full dress rehearsal

Not valid until 13 Dec 16
Kam the capbadge should be above the left eyebrow not the left ear. Mcm Komando la pulak.
Dato baru rehearsal lagipun style Sekpur Amir Guntur
Thank you Sirs . I am touched by your kind thoughts and generous wishes but I still don the Lt Col's rank until 13 Dec 16.
That said, no one could be prouder for this small achievement than my late dad and my late mom, both of whom are not around on that auspicious day. I put in my Lt Col rank on 01 Oct 2001 some 15 years ago and as proud as I may want to feel, my minute success is overshadowed by the greats of OP78 like DS Apai, DS Ackbal, Dato Aris Adi, Dato Zamrose etc incl Col Amiruddin. I am virtually and NOKOB (New Old Kid On the Block) in this gorget infested jungle. That said, I am deeply grateful and indebt cos whoever I encounter be it DS Apai or Dato Dr Fahmi or even Lt Col Subki, they know me as Kam Aziz Foxtrot Coy 4/5 Delta Rugby Table. This Colonelcy is dedicated to my late parents, everyone in OP78 and Mr Lim may he overwrite my debt.
Pete pass the info to yr unmarried staff whatever race
Pete pls tell them That I am flushed with Arab donors and mainland Chinese technocrats
OP Tuan Nur Azam Sir. At this age, tak perlu garang tapi kena cengih saja
Furthermore like Zoltan ckp, org dah kenal Sir
TQ OP Redza and OP Dato Nazeri Sirs
Thank you OP Mustapa. Many of those years were spent with you in service. Could not have asked for better friends
Thank you OP Aziz. The promotion was not as forthcoming as I would like it but in between I gained wisdom of persevering, the strength of faith and the blessing of being reconnected with my OP78 friends. These are valued much higher than the rank of a 5 star general. Appreciate very much your advice Sir
[22:10, 09/12/2016]
+60 12-914 9700: OP LSM, will plan grub party but let me put on the rank first