Yacob, Azhar,Azman, Fiona, Fadhil Choong, Azali, Azam & Datuk Fahmi
The truth is that he was never MIA.
Instead he was ABANDON with no scholarship to complete his Part II (year 4 to 6) of his architect studies.
With no scholarship to pay for lodging and fee for the U, he literally live on the street during the first year of Part II.
Somehow he manage to persuade a small architectural company to let him stay over in their office after working hours in exchange of doing some drafting work for them.
Drafting routinely start after all the staff has gone back after 5pm and he toil on till 3 to 4am in the morning. End up sleeping from 4 to 6am on the drawing board. Two hours sleep in the office is better than sleeping on the street.
Manage to survive with this arrangement for nearly one year.
With friend's help and contact, his potential was eventually recognize by a large architectural firm who offer to sponsor him to complete his studies.
Now he is a proud owner of his own architectural firm and 2-3 other business with his wife.
An exacting test indeed.
Hope that I've captured his struggle accurately.

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