Sunday, August 13, 2017

2017 OPA Annual Dinner.

A coy - 05( 1+2 couples) - sharing G coy
B coy - 07
C coy - 10
D coy - 10(5 couples)
E coy - 10
F coy 1-10
F coy 2-10
G coy - 5 - sharing with A coy
H coy - 3 couples , 3 single

OP Nasir NPC: The real Hero amongst us is Mazlan F Coy.  I was really touched when he attempted to stand up during the photography session.                      
OP Jaudin F: Betul la Nasir. Tak sangka dia nak berdiri masa tu                      
OP Nasir NPC: If anyone of us here feels any down, due to any disparaging remarks from any OP 78, dont despair.  Remember, we are volunteering our sevices for friends like Mazlan and others like him.
OP Ananthan: We need to ensure we find a way to help him onto the stage during our do next year.     OP Ananthan: Mazlan has always been a key to keep us F coy members together.
OP Jaudin F: Yes Anand                        
OP Nasir NPC: We will carry him up

See our Passing Baton ceremonies videos. Click pic below.
 Passing Baton Video

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