This website was created back in 2002 under the FREE Geocities web hosting.
Perhaps because the commercial expectation was not realize, this hosting services was shut down in 2009 and all the 10,000++ Free hosted websites were switched off from the internet.
- Final notice: GeoCities is closing
- Dear Yahoo! GeoCities customer, We're writing to remind you that Yahoo! GeoCities, our free web site building service and community, is closing on October 26, 2009.
- On October 26, 2009, your GeoCities site will no longer appear on the Web, and you will no longer be able to access your GeoCities account and files.
I have no alternative but to switch into the next Free hosting, from a webmaster to a blogger, and that is when this very blog was born.
Somehow stumble upon this website again.
Perhaps for its uniqueness, graphics, presentations or contents, it was somehow appreciated and preserved.
As the web master, I'm very grateful and honored indeed to Yahoo! GeoCities administrations for preserving our www.oldputera78 under the hosting of
Kdr (Maritim) Azhar