This Blog is dedicated to Old Putera batch 1978 (form 4) of Royal Military College RMC (Maktab Tentera DiRaja MTD). Blogger by OP78E Azhar Noordin (RoBob).
Cerita pasai Graduation, berikut adalah gambar-gambar Graduan OP78 di UK 1982, (kalau tak silap) taklimat pasal ekonomi down dan decision tidak akan di ba7ar gaji graduan.
It all started when OP Azman E lament about how small his Big MAC was. When suddenly OP Choong E posted his towering BuiltBurgers....follow by BullS#%t here and HorseS%#t there and the rest was history....
While OP Mazlan C kenduri in Masjid, OP Samat B is travelling to UK for son graduation and missing another OP78 "Teh Tarik" get together again....